
How will Build Professional know exactly what we want?

We work with you using our carefully developed and tested Design Planning system to help you discover your ideal option. This is a development process rather than something like a retail transaction, this is collaborative approach in which you will be invited to play an integral part.

Do we need to come to you with finished architect plans?

No ... our specialisation is to integrate design and construction as this has by far and away produced the best results for our clients. If you already have plans prepared by a 3rd party designer, we will be happy to review these with you. Initially this review will include some background discussions to help us [...]

Who is our point of contact during a renovation?

The Principal of our Company, Matthew Hall is also our Construction Manager and he is directly available to you if you require office support. Matthew has a very capable office based team with specific responsibilities relating to you and your work, You will be communicating with all these people from time to time. On site [...]

What are your security procedures for people working in my home?

We require and carefully check references of all our employees and contractors. By carefully scheduling the work on your home we plan to have our workers on site on every work day. In itself this attendance offers security. Security during remodelling work is complex as the ability to lock up completely is often compromised. Secure [...]

What sort of timeframe should we consider for a renovation from start to finish?

The pre-construction timeframe is typically much longer that most people anticipate but generally from the time you first make contact us it will take about 12 weeks. During this time we will handle all your design work, approvals and pre-ordering. The building work for an average project of around $250,000.00 we would plan a construction [...]

What budget do we need to have for a renovation?

Unfortunately there is no "one size fits all" answer to this question ... we wish there could be! Budgets are a fundamental part of all significant investments and in this respect extending or remodelling your home is no different. It is very valuable for you to do background research on your budget, ideally before we [...]

Can you explain the warranty?

Once your work is completed there are a number of warranty issues to consider. Industry standard maintenance is 90 days and you find that in most contractual warranty clauses. To serve you better we extend the standard 90 day warranty to 2 years after handover. Backing up the work we do is an imperative for [...]

How can we help during the renovation or prepare to get the best out of the Build Professional team?

Teamwork and communication are the short answers! We are dependant on each other so being comfortable with each other, maintaining clear and regular communication between each other, handling our responsibilities in a timely manner all contribute to best results and experiences. Also ... set out to enjoy the relationship and the experience. Sometimes things may [...]

What documentation about my house do I need to have before starting to design my renovation?

It helps greatly if you have the original building plans for your home along with plans for any previous changes that may have been made to your home since it was first built. Site plans, drainage plans and survey certificates are also of great value during our Design Planning process. These things assist with clarity [...]

Are there any approvals or inspections or anything else I need to organise prior to meeting with Build Professional?

No, should we feel something is necessary we would draw your attention to that during our Design Consultation and site assessment visit with you at your home.